About US

The Kenya Country Office is located in the surburb of Buruburu within Nairobi (one of the most influential cities in Africa). When you visit, our executive assistant will be happy to host you in even planning for mission projects with the Country Director and the national ministry team 

In addition to being a major center for African business and politics, Nairobi has hosts significant number of international businesses and organizations. The Kenya Office rejoices for being founded at the crux of Nairobi city. We are part of the global Open Christian Ministries, contributing to the global ministry strategic plan. We are a team of dedicated Christians committed to revolutionizing ministry practices and thereby bridging the gap between church and marketplace, secular and religious. 

We have a leadership team that has been ordained into ministry by the Christian Leaders Alliance; together with our volunteers, we are committed to training and empowering Christian Leaders towards strengthening the local church.